Physioworks Digital Practice
Physioworks Digital Practice is an idea we have had for some time. Taking the clinic to the next level by adding another service which utilises the digital environment, this has really been a long term goal. Physioworks Digital Practice facilitates patients that are in remote locations, have moved away from our local area or are too far from the clinic to attend physically. In the past there have been a number of obstacles to achieving this, mainly technological.
Now with improvements in Broadband speeds and the distribution and prevalence of devices capable of video calls, we feel this is no longer an issue. Generally this method of working is known as telecommuting and as a consequence when these principles are applied to the health sector it is often referred to as “Telehealth”, “eHealth” or as we have chosen “Digital Practice”.
Then came COVID-19!!
Because of COVID-19 everyone has had to adjust their way of life. We have had to limit the times when the Clinic is physically open and the face to face contact has had to be reduced in order to comply with government, HSE and WHO regulations. So we believe this is the time to roll out Physioworks Digital Practice.
Physioworks Digital Practice will combine the traditional physical approach with as much digital communication (Emails, Video link and even telephone) as possible, while still maintaining our high level of service.
All Physiotherapy consultations can be broken down as follows:
Subjective Assessment
Sonya will ask you a structured series of questions designed to discover what she needs to know about your condition, all without the need for physical contact.
Objective Assessment
Sonya will carry out a physical assessment, again this can be done without the need for physical contact.
The objective assessment will require you to perform certain movements. It would be preferable for you to be in a quiet room with a bit of space, and to be appropriately dressed for the area to be assessed.
(e.g. In shorts if presenting with a back/lower leg issue, in a vest top if it is an upper back, neck or shoulder problem)
Treatment and Rehab Programme
By this point, having taken note of the subjective and objective assessments, Sonya will have made her diagnosis and will then share with you her tailor made treatment and or rehab programme for you.
Digital Consultation Process
1. Book an appointment
a. That can be via our online booking system, see the “Book an Appointment” button at the top right corner of this page.
b. Phone the clinic during business hours.
c. Send an email.
5. The Consultation
Over the course of the appointment Sonya will carry out the subjective and objective assessments, as explained above.
2. First Video Consultation
Your first consultation with Sonya will be conducted via video link.
Don’t get stressed about the video process, we are using a browser based video provider that is both secure and simple to use.
6. Diagnosis & Treatment
At the end of this process, Sonya will have a working diagnosis, give you advice and organise a rehab programme with exercises.
This will be appropriately tailored for you and will be provided via a free app.
This initial video consultation is part of our “Physioworks Digital Practice Initial Consultation” Package, PDP IC for short.
For more detail of this package please refer to the online booking page.
7. Duration of Treatment
At the end of the consultation, Sonya will outline the number of consultations she believes you will need to obtain your desired outcome.
4. Connecting on Video
One day before your appointment, you will receive an appointment reminder email with the link you will need for the video call.
About 5 mins prior to your appointment click on the link and you will be walked through the checking in process.
8. Visiting the Clinic?
If during the assessment Sonya decides that you need to attend the clinic for a physical consultation, and you live in the local area we will schedule you for a follow up clinic appointment. If however, you live beyond the range of the Clinic then she will refer you to a local clinic near you.
You might need to have some of the following items at hand during the consultation:
Exercise Mat.
Foam roller/rolled up towel.
Massage ball/Tennis ball.
Exercise band.
Small Weights (tin of beans).
And of course a sweat towel. Because you are going to need it by the time Sonya is through with you ;)
As all sessions are prepaid I guarantee that if we don’t think your injury is suitable for Physioworks Digital Practice, we will immediately refund you 100% of the consultation fee.
Sonya has produced and starred in a YouTube video which hopefully will throw further illumination on the process
Don’t forget you can also drop her an email at PhysioworksMoycullen@gmail.com
Message from Sonya:
Please don't get stressed out about the video link and the whole digital process, it's not as scary as it first appears. Remember if I can master it anyone can! :)
Take care and look forward to meeting you online.