Professional Qualifications and Affiliations
Prior to commencing my own private practice in the 1990's I was employed as a senior physiotherapist in outpatients and was sole in charge at a rehabilitation unit that specialized in treating patients involved in car accidents, workplace traumas and head injuries.The physiotherapist’s role was to optimize the patient’s abilities to gain the maximum outcome possible – ideally a return to work and independent living.
I have been in private practice since 1993 both in Ireland and in Australia were I was involved in providing the physiotherapy for workers compensation insurance schemes. I have always had a special interest in spinal problems especially neck and lumbar pain and this is clearly evident in my CPD Portfolio. I use my specific musculoskeletal training to enhance the hands on treatment I provide to patients using effective evidence based treatments and exercise regimes. Some of the techniques I would incorporate into a treatment might be Mulligan nags and snags, Mckenzie regime, Maitland mobilizations, Travell and Simons trigger point therapy, myofacial release, ME, neuromeningeal butler mobilization, STR, Gwen Jull neck protocols.
Another area of particular interest is musculoskeletal imbalance and how injured people can develop compensatory mechanisms leading to secondary problems. My emphasis in treating is not only to identify structural problems and address with appropriate hands on modalities but also to encourage patient compliance with home exercises in order to maintain and further improve their condition and empower the patient with self help.
Some of my Qualifications can be seen below, for further information please visit my LinkedIn page

Membership of Chartered Society of Physiotherapists 1985 London UK
Graduate Diploma Musculoskeletal physiotherapy, 1995 from La Trobe University Melbourne, Australia

ISCP Recognition Award. I served for 8 years on the Professional Development Standing Committee. The PDSC is responsible for making recommendations to board of the ISCP on Professional Development, Education and Research.

Dry Needling DN1 Course cert Nov 2015

Dry Needling DN2 Course cert Mar 2016

Whiplash Course, United Physiotherapy Clinic Dec 2021

Safety in Needling Therapies: Preventing Pneumothorax Feb 2021 - Feb 2023

Trigger Point Dry Needling Course Westport, Sept 2023

Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Certificate 2022 - 23

Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists Certificate 2021 - 22

Hibernian Health Care, Irish Heart Foundation Accredited AED training Programme April 2023

CPR Certificate

Heartsaver® First Aid Online Course Apr 2021

Hibernian Covid 19 New Vaccinator Skills Course

HSE Anaphylaxis Covid 19 Cert

HSE COVID-19 Vaccination Education Programme for Registered Physiotherapist

Clinical Reasoning and Management of Recalcitrant Shoulder Problems Australian Physiotherapy Association 1996

2 Day Dyspraxia Workshop, Galway 2004.

Lower Extremity Prosthetics, University Of New South Wales, Sydney 1991

Remote Emergency Care Cert 2014
CORU is Ireland's multi-profession health regulator.
The role of CORU is to protect the public by promoting high standards of professional conduct, education, training and competence through statutory registration of health and social care professionals. CORU was set up under the Health and Social Care Professionals Act 2005 (as amended). It is made up of the Health and Social Care Professionals Council and the Registration Boards, one for each profession named in our Act.

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CORU Certificate Of Registration 8 February 2019